About GalenicumVitae y sus causas

About GalenicumVitae

Information is health. And health is wellbeing. That’s why the pharmaceutical company Galenicum, in collaboration with renowned doctors from the Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu hospital and the communications company Krieen, have developed the GalenicumVitae.com quick health guide, a different, visual and very easy way for everyone to understand health.

Learn about more than 150 diseases, how they are treated and useful health tips for a healthier lifestyle.

How can you combat stress? How can you sleep better? How can we prevent heart diseases? How can I keep my kids from smoking, drinking and doing drugs?

Click on the coloured sections or type your question into the search box to get the answers.


Discover who’s behind GalenicumVitae:

  • Renowned doctors from the Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu Hospital (see certificate)
  • Jürgen Krieger of Krieen (direction)
  • Enric Mañas (technical direction)
  • Jürgen Krieger, Eduardo Fernández, Marc Estada, Josep Inarejos and Alex Krieger (content development)
  • Toni Deu (illustration)
  • Cesc Camí and Txomin Jiménez of SideArt comunicació (final art)
  • Marc Puigdemont and Nicolau Sunyer (programming)
  • Joan Gorrita and Samantha Gómez-Luna of GlobalWords (SEO)
  • Miriam C. Dowd (English translation)
  • The Galenicum team

All contents of this website, including the editorial content, has been created and confirmed by recognized health experts from the Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu Hospital and communications professionals (Krieen) with the aim of providing understandable, reliable and high-quality health information for general interest. The contents are published by Krieen S.C.P. and its collaborators. Each new piece of web content is reviewed by physicians from the Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu Hospital before being published.

Certified Medical Web (WMA) by the Official Medical College of Barcelona (COMB) (see certificate) and by HONcode with HONConduct664399.

This website is certified by Health On the Net Foundation. Click to verify. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information:
verify here.

Creation date: 17/09/2015 - Last modification date: 02/01/2018

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