Anatomy y sus causas

Ventricular hypertrophy


The heart is divided into four chambers, two upper, the right and left atria, and two lower, the right and left ventricles. The left atrium connects to the left ventricle through the mitral valve and connects to the right atrium with the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve. Each ventricle receives blood from the atrium on the same side and the push of an artery: the pulmonary arteries (right ventricle) and the aorta (left ventricle).

The wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the right because the left ventricle pumps blood to most of the body, while the right ventricle only sends blood to the lungs.

Hypertrophy can occur in both ventricles, but the most common is left ventricular hypertrophy.

Creation date: 17/09/2015 - Last modification date: 09/10/2015

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