Family environment y sus causas

Drug addiction

Family environment

Drug addiction is one of society’s biggest health problems, but has the greatest impact on those closest to the user. In general, this group is the family unit, which must first become aware and then help the family member who has a dependency.

The severity of symptoms depends on the type of substance, behaviours related to getting drugs/money, the legal/illegal status of said substance, the health habits related to the route of administration and the concurrent physical or psychiatric disorder.

Educating children by encouraging autonomy, communication, social skills and assertiveness can help making the right decisions at key moments can help in prevention.

If this problem is occurring at home, try to provide communication and support in every way to modify the addictive behaviour. Get professional help from your doctor, specialised centres or associations, informational phone numbers or centres that know the best way to help the addicted person.

Drugs negatively change the lives of those who take them, causing multiple personal, work and family issues, as they directly affect all the people around the user.

If you enter the world of drugs it will be very difficult to get out of it, and will cause multiple physiological and psychological disorders:

  • Hallucinations, paranoia, changes in heart rate, depression, neurosis, and withdrawal.
  • You become a slave to the drug, your own will is weakened and you will be forced to anything and everything to get another dose.
  • Drug addicts are not able to establish stable relationships, not with a partner, family or friends. They may even steal or deceive those who they love most to get high.
  • Being "hooked" lowers school performance, causes the user to give up on goals or plans and rely on the drug as the only solution.
  • The consequences of the drug can lead you to get involved in serious conflicts.
  • Drugs will ruin your life.

For more information visit:

What are opioids?

Benefits and Risks of Opioids in Arthritis Management

Creation date: 17/09/2015 - Last modification date: 09/10/2015

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