First aid y sus causas


First aid

In the case of heat stroke, action must be taken quickly to avoid more serious consequences.

  1. Use a fan or apply cool water to the skin to lower body temperature.
  2. If the person is awake, give him small sips of a drink or make a salted drink by adding a teaspoon of salt to a litre of water and offer him a half cup every 15 minutes.
  3. Apply cool, wet compresses to the forehead, neck, armpits and groin. For muscle cramps, gently massage the affected muscles until they relax.
  4. If the person shows signs of shock, such as blueish fingernails and lips, decreased alertness and begins to faint or lose consciousness, call the nearest medical services immediately.

Creation date: 17/09/2015 - Last modification date: 09/10/2015

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