Motivation for change y sus causas


Motivation for change

In any change of habits, routines, etc. awareness is required as a first stage (information and awareness of the problem). The second stage is planning and the third is taking action. Finally, a certain amount of time is required for the new habit to be formed. It is advisable that the stages be guided by a professional at all times and that appropriate resources are utilised.

Tobacco is a legal drug with stimulant effects.

  • It increases the risk of cancer and cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, among others.
  • It decreases the ability to maintain physical exercise, alters the senses of taste and smell, causes premature aging of the skin, and stains the teeth and the skin of the hands and face.
  • It causes addiction quickly.

Creation date: 17/09/2015 - Last modification date: 09/10/2015

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