Overweight and obesity y sus causas

Overweight and obesity

Talking about an ideal weight is not so common anymore. It’s better to focus on a healthy weight, since it is based on the characteristics of each person (age, sex or build).

Diagnosis: To calculate whether a person is at a healthy weight, is overweight or obese, the Body Mass Index formula is used:

The Body Mass Index
BMI = Weight (in kilos) / Height (in meters) squared.

Values of Body Mass Index:

  • Less than 18.5: underweight.
  • 18.5-25: normal weight.
  • 25-30: overweight.
  • 30-35: grade I obesity.
  • 35-40: grade II obesity.
  • Over 40: grade III or morbid obesity.

The concept of an ideal weight is generally not used anymore, therefore it is better to talk about healthy weight, since this is based on the characteristics of each person (age, sex or composition).

BMI is only directly applicable to adults. For people under 18 years of age, you must consult specific tables tailored to bodily changes that occur during growth.

Adults with a BMI over 25 should lose weight. The risk of disease increases when excess weight is associated with more risk factors, such as increased blood pressure, bad cholesterol, lower good cholesterol, increased blood triglycerides and physical inactivity.

To find out if you are overweight or obese, waist circumference must also be measured with a tape measure below the ribs at an intermediate point between the end of the breastbone and the navel. At higher values, there is an increased risk of diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, heart attack and stroke.

To prevent and treat overweight, it is essential to adopt an active and healthy lifestyle.

There are three basic steps to combat overweight and obesity:

  • Maintain a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Practice sport regularly.
  • Give up sedentary habits and live a more active day-to-day life, going up and down stairs, walking, doing household chores, biking, etc.

For more information visit:

Obesity and overweight

What Are Overweight and Obesity?

To win, we have to lose

Creation date: 17/09/2015 - Last modification date: 31/01/2016

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