Pregnancy y sus causas


Pregnancy is the implantation of a fertilised egg in the lining of the uterus (endometrium).

The normal length of a pregnancy is 9 months, or 40 weeks. You should consult your doctor regularly. These visits for prenatal care are very important both for you and for the baby.

Prevention. Certain things that you do during pregnancy could harm the baby, like smoking or drinking alcohol. Some medications can also be problematic, which is why you should not self-medicate. You should drink plenty of fluids and eat a healthy diet. Also you may feel tired and need more rest.

The first quarter is the time of greatest risk of spontaneous abortion; the beginning of the third trimester is considered the point of foetal viability.


Pregnancy (Latin gravitas) is the period between the implantation of the fertilised egg in the uterus and the time of delivery, with significant physiological, metabolic and even morphological changes that occur in women aimed to protect, nurture and enable the development of the foetus.

This includes the cessation of menstrual cycles, or an increase in the size of the breasts to prepare for breastfeeding.

The term gestation refers to the physiological processes of growth and development of the foetus inside the womb. In theory, gestation refers to the foetus and pregnancy refers to women, although in practice many people use both terms interchangeably.

Human pregnancies usually involve just one baby, although there may be multiple. The use of assisted reproduction techniques is raising the incidence of multiple foetuses in developed countries.

Human pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks from the first day of the last menstruation or 38 weeks after fertilization (approximately 9 months). The first quarter is the time of greatest risk of spontaneous abortion; the beginning of the third quarter is considered the point of foetal viability (from which time the baby can survive ex-utero with medical support).

It is very important to follow a certain behaviour pattern during pregnancy and the following must be taken or eaten.

  • Iodine is essential for the foetus’ organs to be formed properly and for the brain to mature. This is ingested through food and water.
  • Folic acid or Vitamin B9 is essential for the embryo’s nervous system to be formed correctly, in particular, to prevent spina bifida. It is found in leafy green vegetables, certain fruits and whole grains. To prevent birth defects more folic acid is needed than what is provided by the diet, even by a healthy diet.

During pregnancy we recommend the utmost care when it comes to:

  • Beauty products: almost all can be used except those that contain retinoic acid (not to be confused with retinol).
  • Bleaching creams. As a precaution avoid using them in large areas or on the abdomen, although they can be used in small areas such as on the upper lip.
  • Pets: Extreme hygiene is necessary in dealing with any pets due to the possibility of infections that could harm the foetus. Be especially careful of cats as if they are infected with toxoplasmosis, they can transmit it.
  • Work at home: Paints and solvents are potentially harmful to the foetus. If the mother becomes intoxicated with solvents there is risk of abortion, disorders or nervous system malformations, or mental retardation of the baby.
  • Radiation: There are many types of radiation that can affect pregnancy: phones, microwaves, infrared lights, power lines and ultraviolet light are not certified as dangerous, but we should not discount the risk. Exposure to X-rays (radiographs) and nuclear radiation are confirmed as dangerous.

Creation date: 17/09/2015 - Last modification date: 09/10/2015

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