Prostate cancer y sus causas

Prostate cancer

The prostate is a gland located below the bladder in men that produces a fluid present in semen. This type of cancer is rare in men under 40 years of age, but is very common in older men.

Risk factors. Being over the age of 65 and inherited genetic factors.

Symptoms of prostate cancer may include problems with urination, pain in the lower back and painful ejaculation.

Treatments range from surgery, radiation, hormone therapy, chemotherapy or a combination of those treatments.

Treatment. Your doctor will diagnose prostate cancer by feeling the prostate through the rectal wall or by a specific test called prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Other tests performed are ultrasound, X-ray and a biopsy.

Creation date: 17/09/2015 - Last modification date: 09/10/2015

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