Viral haemorrhagic fevers y sus causas

Viral haemorrhagic fevers

Viral haemorrhagic fevers (VHF) are a group of illnesses caused by four families of viruses. These include the Ebola and Marburg viruses and Lassa fever virus.

Features. They affect many organs, injure blood vessels and disrupt the body's ability to regulate itself. Some VHF cause a mild disease, but those generated by the Ebola or Marburg virus cause serious illness and death.

Diagnosis. Viral haemorrhagic fevers are difficult to diagnose because many of the early signs resemble symptoms of other infectious diseases, such as typhoid or malaria.

Location. Specific illnesses are usually limited to areas where the animals that transmit them live. For example, Lassa fever is concentrated in rural areas of West Africa, where rats and mice are carriers of the virus.

There is no means of prevention other than the protection measures for people at risk of spreading the virus and restraint of the epidemic. Those taking care of infected patients should wear special clothing, gloves, a mask and goggles, and be very careful at all times.

Viral haemorrhagic fevers (VHF) are a group of illnesses caused by four families of viruses. These include the Ebola and Marburg viruses and the Lassa fever virus. VHFs have features in common: they affect many organs, injure blood vessels and impair the body's ability to self-regulate. Some VHFs cause mild disease, but others, such as those caused by the Ebola and Marburg virus, cause severe illness and death.

VHFs are found all over the world. Specific illnesses are usually limited to areas where the animals that transmit them live. For example, Lassa fever is concentrated in rural areas of West Africa, where rats and mice are carriers of the virus.

The risk for people traveling is low, but you should avoid visiting areas where there are outbreaks. Since there are no effective treatments for some of these viral infections, there is concern that they could be used for bioterrorism.

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Ebola messages for the general public


Creation date: 17/09/2015 - Last modification date: 09/10/2015

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