Advice y sus causas



Foodborne diarrhoea is mainly caused by ingesting:

  • Any food handled and prepared without proper food and hand hygiene.
  • Any food prepared using cooking utensils, cutting boards and other tools that have not been washed properly.
  • Dairy products or foods that have not been properly refrigerated.
  • Frozen or chilled foods that are not stored at the proper temperature or foods in which the cold chain has been broken.
  • Fish or seafood with that have not been cooked adequately (Anisakis infection).
  • Raw fruits or vegetables that have not been washed properly.
  • Meat or undercooked eggs (E. coli or Salmonella intestinal infection).
  • Water from non-potable sources or water that is improperly treated (Cholera).

Creation date: 17/09/2015 - Last modification date: 26/10/2015

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