Oral drugs y sus causas

Drug addiction

Oral drugs

In the early 1970’s a new type of drug appeared: oral drugs that came in the form of pills or thin slices.

The most well-known are:

  • Amphetamines: Can cause irritability, anxiety, paranoia and depression.
  • Synthetic drugs (ecstasy and similar): Amphetamine derivative that produces disinhibition, euphoria with a subjective increase in empathic perception. It can cause mental disorders such as panic and paranoia, as well as physical disorders such as, blurred vision, palpitations, chills, hyperthermia (heat stroke), hypotension (blackouts).
  • LSD: Derivative of lysergic acid derivative that affects the perception of reality through the senses. There are reports of that persistent hallucinations can occur after consumption.

Oral drugs are psychoactive or psychotropic substances taken orally that are carried to the blood through the digestive system. Their first symptoms are euphoria and well-being, then they move on to hallucinations and paranoia.

Other oral drugs are: PCP (phencyclidine, also known as “angel dust”, “black dust”, “magic dust”, and “trank”, among others) and Herbal ecstasy (ephedrine).

For more information visit:

Synthetic Drugs (a.k.a. K2, Spice, Bath Salts, etc.)

Creation date: 17/09/2015 - Last modification date: 09/10/2015

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