Clinical depression y sus causas

Clinical depression

Depression is a feeling of persistent sadness that is accompanied by a general malaise.

Symptoms. Low morale, hopelessness and loss of interest in normal daily activities, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, disturbed sleep or appetite, tiredness and lack of concentration.

Depression can substantially hinder performance at work or school, if it becomes chronic or recurrent and diminishes the ability to cope with everyday life. If mild, it can be treated without drugs, but depression may require medication and professional psychotherapy when it is moderate or severe. In its most severe form, it can lead to suicide.

Depression is a disorder that can be diagnosed reliably and can be treated by non-specialists in the primary health care field.

Other symptoms that often occur are:

  • Irritability (anger easily).
  • Loss of energy or fatigue.
  • Sleep disorders, especially insomnia.
  • Changes in eating habits, which often produce variations in weight.
  • Difficulty concentrating or memory problems.
  • Loss of sexual interest.
  • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt.
  • Negative thoughts, excessive self-criticism.
  • Wishing to die or thoughts of suicide.

People with depression also often experience concerns that cause anxiety. This causes physical symptoms such as pain, heart palpitations or abdominal discomfort. In some people, these symptoms are the primary concern and people often end up feeling so bad that they wish they were dead.

For more information visit:


Creation date: 17/09/2015 - Last modification date: 09/10/2015

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